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Our Hosting services being provided using servers in two geographic locations and includes full-stack of related services.

All our servers have very convenient and flexible hosting panel which includes the next options.

Web server — NGinx (frontend) and Apache (backend).

PHP — you can choose any version from 5.2 to 7.4 if it is required for your site. If you have a few sites, you can set version for each of them separately.

PHP processing — we have mod_php, mod_ruid, suPHP, cgi, FastCGI for Apache and php-fpm for NGinx

FTP and filesystem — web file manager in you hosting panel and you are allowed to create own FTP accounts.

DNS — Bind9. You can manage your domains using hosting panel.

Databases — European server running Mysql 5.7, US server have MariaDB 10.4

E-mail services — Exim + Dovecot on a high level. But under the hood there are: exim, opendkim, opendmarc, spamassasin, clamav, dovecot. And you can use web-interfaces based on Roundcube and SquirrelMail.

SSL — you can manage certificates for your sites yourself. Besides, you can create free Let’s encrypt certificates with internal auto-installation system.

Security & Networking — ConfigServer Firewall (CSF), iptables, Mod security + Clamav Web Application Firewall rules.

Backups — you can create backups automatically and restore your site from backups. We have daily backups enabled for every site within our server..

Multilingual hosting panel

EU Region (Paris, France): https://zensrv.net
US Region (Phoenix, AZ, USA): https://us.zensrv.net